Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Off to Jakarta, Indonesia!

A few days ago, I bought this really expensive (do they really have to price it at Php 1,899.00?!!) Lonely Planet book on Indonesia and it suddenly hit me --- I'm really leaving for Indonesia and expatriated at that! Never in my wildest dreams have I imagined that I could actually be lucky enough to have this opportunity but here it is! Such a pleasant, exciting surprise! (Okay-okay, maybe a tiny-itty part of me did imagine it!)

In my excitement and in my perennial need to do things in the most convenient way, I've succumbed to the blog bandwagon. I've decided to get a blog for 2 reasons: 1) to easily answer the inevitable question that will be asked a million times "How are you doing in Indonesia?" AND 2) to force myself to actually have a worthy answer to the question "How are you doing in Indonesia?" (he-he - i really just have to emphasize that sorry)

So, this is a documentation of my stay in Indonesia and not a journal of my most private thoughts (that could really be embarrassing you know but maybe I'll indulge myself every once in a while) and a quick 'n easy way to get people updated and to get people enticed to actually visit me there (visits could really help make my 2 year stay there a breeze - hint-hint to all my friends who want to go to Bintan or Bali - I hear Indonesia houses the best beaches in the world --- oh nice pictures from my Lonely Planet book, he-he --- or to enjoy the sights and the shopping in Borubudur plus so many more events and places waiting to be explored =) or to visit the exotic island of Sumatra.

I will be living in a 2 bedroom condo unit in one of the very new real estate developments in the heart of Jakarta so everything is easily accessible and comfortable. I intentionally got a place with a guest room for all my family and friends who'll be visiting me sporadically during my 2-year stay. It's getting fully booked as we speak so please e-mail or text me right away for your reservations - he-he =)

Some might wonder why I've named this blogsite "Indo in Waiting" has a double meaning. I guess to those who might be remotely interested to know, they will just have to wait for clues in my next posts...