Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Rex Tag

Ok fine just to indulge my friend Rex, who tagged me...

Tagging rules:

• Write 8 facts about yourself.
• In the 8 facts, you share 8 things that your readers don’t know about you. At the end, you tag as much other bloggers to keep the fun going. (Sorry had to change this a bit, got lazy again.) Each blogger must post these rules first.
• Each blogger starts with eight random facts/habits about themselves.
• At the end of the post, a blogger needs to choose as much people to get tagged and list their names.
• Don’t forget to leave them a comment telling them they’re tagged, and to read your blog.

Truth #1. My biggest physical flaw are my very tiny feet. They're 4 and a half supporting my 5 foot tall self. A lot has adviced me, whether seriously or in jest, to shop at the kids section. I have tried but I find myself unable to face the embarrassment.

Truth #2. I am two chapters into a chic lit book that I need to finish in the spirit of a New Year's Resolution this year.

Truth #3. My eyes mist over when I see orphans, really old people alone in the streets and blind people. They call upon me to try and do something with this world. And I get reminded that I am going to start with my own family. I have a lot already within my own family circle who need my help.

Truth #4. I'm a journal-ler. I have about 5 sets of notebook journals scattered around my apartment and less than 10 word documents tucked here in there. I write when I feel like it. (Not the same for my blog though, sorry. I guess the act of writing with a pen and paper is more natural for me.)

Truth #5. I regret not letting my classmates copy from me in school. Looking back now, I think it's foolish and totally un-necessary.

Truth #6. I love travelling but not for the reason to see more of the world but to see more of me. I find myself in the exploration of new places whether intended or not. I just do. And I love it when it happens.

Truth #7. Taking photos gives me the greatest calm. I don't know why but there is something about looking through lenses that gives perspective to even the most stressful life situation.

Truth #8. I just got engaged last June 7, 2007 while vacationing in Brisbane, Australia. Never expected it to happen for me no matter how much I wished it would. I now truly know the meaning of a happy cry.

I am tagging the ff. people:

My most admired person to-date, Joy

My ballerina friend, Jacqui

Share Bear friend, Annalee